6 Govt of Bangladesh Sites Hacked By Dr.Z0mbie

6 Govt of Bangladesh Sites Hacked By Dr.Z0mbie, 3 Govt Universities Sites & 3 others...
Hacker Leave msg for BBHH ( Bangladesh Black Hat Hackers) 
This Website Has By Hacked By Dr.Z0mbie
This is not a payback, not a revenge, or anything against anyone.
This is just a message for BGHH group from Bangladesh.
I just saw a message by your admin saying you won't stop until the arrest of Shadow008 because he started this?!
You guys started abusing, and fighting everyone, and now Pakistani Hackers started this?!
Dr@cul@ posting every day on facebook, abusing his Pakistani and Bangladeshi brothers, and you expect everyone just to sit and look at you guys?
and everytime someone do anything to him, he start saying he is an "Indian" because he wants people to stand beside him..
AND, what about that "Mahayrab Ferdous" started hacking a Philipini site, saying its for PCA.
and when I talked to him, the first thing he did is started abusing me...
btw Mahayrab Ferdous.. My challenge is still on, I started the first challenge so finish it so that I start mine.
and for Dr@cul@.. Listen man, I respected you, I helped you in everything you asked me in, AND NOW YOU CALL ME A LAMMER HUH??!!

Then after 35+ of your govs got hacked, you started hacking some D-Grade sites with your silly message.
Do you really think someone can get arrested from HIS WEBSITES?? HOW LAME!
Stop dreaming kids, wake up! this is not a FUCKING game!
Your Cyber space is very vulnerable.. In 30 minutes I got access to 3 universities, and other 5 normal servers.
Stop those attacks on Innocent people, you want to show your skills? come show us your skills on our websites! Not other Innocent people around you.
I just wanted to deliver my message, and for the abuses that you guys told me, may ALLAH give you what you deserve for abusing another Muslim. =)
Here is just one proof of a vulnerable university, http://pastebin.com/aTYZEC0E www.du.ac.bd logins, passwords, names everything is there.
Last question for all the group, do you think it's a really good idea for Muslim hackers to fight while other Muslims are being killed else where in there world? =)
Unity is the best for us, and what you guys doing, is clearly not good for our unity. =)



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