The hacking team Teamr00t has released an new pastebinrelease. In the PasteBin they have an message to the governments in the world and they have made an list of their government defacements. In the PasteBin file you will also see the full members list of Teamr00t. 
To the governments of the world, it is time you listened and acted upon what would benefit and help the people of your countries! It is now time for you to start listening to the voices of your nation and deal with the problems that are occurring every single day. You were elected and made promises to your people that you must keep. We declare our rights on this earth to be human beings, to be respected as human beings, to be given the rights of a human being in this society, on this earth, in this day, which we intend to bring into existence by any means necessary." Malcolm X Your corrupted ways, greed, love for money and fame need to stop! Your excuses to go to war, all for their oil are unacceptable and will not be tolerated. Your people have the right to have their voices heard and you the government must listen to your nation. You cannot arrest, torture and lock up citizens, if you do not agree with their views, but must listen and act upon them. Everyone has the right to freedom of speech and your people must be allowed this freedom. Stop, listen and take action that will help benefit your nation!
"Teamr00t Has Arrived!!! We are the voice for the suppressed people of the world, and we will show you the truth!"
The Teamr00t hacking team has attacked multiple countries in the past. Here you will find an list of their attacks on countries: 
  • Indonesia
  • Brazil
  • Paraguay
  • Thailand
  • Philippines
  • Peru
  • Bolivia
  • Mozambique
  • Cambodia
In their PasteBin message they also listed the government websites that they have defaced. The list includes the mirrors to the defacement. 
# Gov Brazil FuCked BY Teamr00t
# Gov Brazil HaCked bY Teamr00t
# Gov Paraguay HaCked bY Teamr00t
# Gov Philippine HaCked bY Teamr00t
# Gov Thailand HaCked bY Teamr00t
# Gov Peru HaCked bY Teamr00t
# Bolivia Gov FuCked bY Teamr00t "Marijuana" :v :v
# Gov Thailand HaCked bY Teamr00t
# Gov Website Indonesia FuCked bY Teamr00t
# Gov Phlippines HaCked bY Teamr00t
# Gov Phillipines HaCked bY Teamr00t
# Indonesia Gov HaCked bY Teamr00t
# Indonesia Gov HaCked bY Teamr00t
Gov Brazil Fucked by Teamr00t
Indonesia Gov HaCked bY Teamr00t
Indonesia Gov HaCked bY Teamr00t
Mozambique Gov HaCked bY Teamr00t
Cambodia Gov HaCked bY Teamr00t
The official members of Teamr00t are: 
  1. Teamr00t Attacker
  2. Teamr00t Velocity
  3. Teamr00t F1r3w411 
  4. X-Line Ma
  5. Teamr00t Malware
  6.  Virusa Worm
  7. Teamr00t Hunter
  8. NetLover
  9. Teamr00t Fighter
  10. Teamr00t ZeroOneOne
  11. Mr.Asbun
  12. Teamr00t cihonje
  13. Deto Beiber
  14. Teamr00t SynboX
  15. DzPhoenix
  16. Atom Mota
  17. Evil-Dz HaXor
  18. Perantau Senja
  19. AnuarLinux
  20. Thief Web
  21. Revolver X
  22. Xploiz
  23. Mr.benladen


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